
Introducing JUICE

JUICE (Joint Underwriting, Information and Control Ecosystem) is Lime’s unique ‘plug and play’ solution that utilises best-in-class, proprietary technology to improve efficiency and drive down costs.

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The Benefits of JUICE


Plug and Play

JUICE is Lime’s unique ‘plug and play’ solution that utilises best-in-class, proprietary technology to improve efficiency and drive down costs of doing business for clients.


Anywhere Login

JUICE will allow client syndicates to log in from anywhere in the world and conduct business with all system elements, cloud-hosted and secured.


Real-Time Reporting

The platform will allow for real-time reporting, offering critical insights into performance and driving better business practices.


Simplicity & Flexibility

JUICE offers Lime’s clients simplicity, flexibility and a significant reduction in systems costs delivering savings in direct MA fees.

Technology Designed to Serve and Enable

Delivering real benefits to your syndicate and the market

  • The JUICE framework provides all the systems required for Syndicates to do business in the Lloyd’s market
  • Available as a web application anywhere in the world to allow underwriters to have all the data they need anywhere and any time of day
  • Cloud hosted SaaS offering is a core principle of any software provisioned, reducing infrastructure management and enabling an evergreen IT estate
  • Best in class software providers brought together to provide the end-to-end process solution
  • All components are API enabled and ready for any market modernisation initiatives as they are released (Blueprint 2)
  • Data visibility and timelines are central to the offering, with automation and near real-time data exchange where possible
  • JUICE provides Lime the ability to provide regulatory assurance with real-time read only visibility of transactional data
  • Integrated with Velonetics out of the box and options for other data source API integrations as a configure rather than build capability
  • Product configuration is rapid allowing onboarding to be achieved in reduced timeframes

Do you think JUICE could help your business?

Please do not hesitate to speak to us! Whether you have questions, need information or seek guidance, we’re here to help.